Meredith Bay Barber Shop
Meredith Bay Boat Sales, Inc.
Meredith Bay Cabinetry
Meredith Bay Colony Club
Meredith Bay Construction & Development Co., Inc
Meredith Bay Corporation
Meredith Bay Crematorium
Meredith Bay Embroidery
Meredith Bay Guide Service
Meredith Bay Jewelry
Meredith Bay Kayak and Rowing Center
Meredith Bay Kayak and Rowing Center
Meredith Bay Legal, PLLC
Meredith Bay Massage and Wellness
Meredith Bay Nursing Home, Inc
Meredith Bay Outfitters
Meredith Bay Partners LLC
Meredith Bay Plaza
Meredith Bay Sailboats
Meredith Bay Sailing Association, Inc.